Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Backpackers guide to London:

An interective guide for iphone/tablet to guide backpackers through central London.

The details should be user-editable, including guides for: Supermarkets, pubs, clubs, accomodation, public transport, public toilets, employment agencies, wifi hotspots, internet cafes, shopping, and tourist sites

Each individual site of interest should be critiqued, either by the editors, or by the users themselves.

Supermarket reviews will contain such data as the hours when certain kinds of produce gets discounted in certain supermarkets, product reviews for home brand items, and things like weekly specials.

Reviews for pubs will include opening and closing times, genre, price, target demographics etc

Accomodation reviews will include photographs, critiques, prices, location, what is included, etc

Public transport guides will link to all other guides with a simple click, which will toggle straight between local street map and the Beck underground map, with guides as to walking distance between locations and public transport.

London is a city with mostly pay toilets. The application will provide a guide as to where the cleanest and least expensive toilets are.

Employment agencies: Different specialities will be listed, along with reviews and guidelines on what kind of people they are interested in hiring.

Wifi Hotspots: Guides to strength, cost, security, comfort

Internet cafes: Guides to expense, speed, security, comfort and location

Detailed guides to shopping locations and tourist sites updated by users

Note on the influences for this project:

I was trying to keep the whole feel of the influences consistant, but I felt that the map for the pocket a-z should be included, because it is something, while almost indecipherable to the novice, is something that every Londoner who has been there for any length of time should get familiar with. Other influences like the Beck map, Johnston font, phone box and Earls Court, should be followed much more, they all have that similar feel which would work well in this instance, and everything kind of fits in with the same theme, strong vertical lines, circles, crowns, the queens head, use of solid primary colors, all that kind of thing.

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